Archived News
National Immunization Awareness Month: Adults Need Vaccines, Too!
Adults Need Vaccines, Too! All adults should get vaccines to protect their health. Even healthy adults can become seriously ill, and can pass certain illnesses on to others. Immunization is especially important for adults 60 years of age and older, and for those who have a chronic condition such as asthma, COPD, diabetes or […]
MoreNational Immunization Awareness Month: Off to the Future – Young Adults
Vaccines are not just for children. Immunizations are needed throughout your adult life to help you stay healthy. That’s because immunity from childhood diseases may wear off over time, and you may also be at risk for other vaccine-preventable diseases. Getting ready for college or your future career means making sure you are up to […]
MoreNational Immunization Awareness Month: Children, Preteens & Teens
Children, Preteens & Teens Preparing for school means gathering supplies and back packs. It’s also the perfect time to make sure children are up to date on their vaccines. Getting all of the recommended vaccines is one of the most important things parents can do to protect their children’s health. When children are not vaccinated, […]
MoreNational Immunization Awareness Month: Babies and Pregnant Women
August is National Immunization Awareness Month (#NIAM14). The purpose of this observance is to highlight the importance of immunizations, one of the top 10 public health accomplishments of the 20th Century, according to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC). While immunizations have significantly reduced the incidence of many serious infectious diseases, vaccination rates for some […]