Archived News

Dr. Stephen Wright NBC 10 Boston NECN Tonight 6:00 PM News

  • December 23, 2020

Dr. Stephen Wright will be featured on the 6:00 PM news tonight on NBC 10 Boston NECN. Please check local listings in your area. The link is attached: Topic: An alarming increase in ICU patients ahead of the holidays. Listen to Dr. Wright share why the topic is concerning, what advice he has for people […]


Boston Focus Group Considers Minorities’ COVID Vaccine Trust Gap

  • December 18, 2020

The focus group at the Whittier Street Health Center in Boston’s Roxbury neighborhood listened to concerns from people who have skepticism about getting the COVID-19 vaccine: By Brian Burnell • Published December 16, 2020 • Updated on December 16, 2020 at 7:01 pm   Boston Focus Group Considers Minorities’ COVID Vaccine Trust Gap


COVID-19 Vaccine: Whittier Street Health Center holds focus group

  • December 18, 2020    


A note about Whittier and COVID-19

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak in our area, we ask all clients and patients to call ahead before coming to any of our sites. We are working to take care of most clients/patients via phone/video encounter so we can meet your ongoing healthcare needs. This is for your safety and so we can provide the highest quality of care to you while following CDC guidance for COVID-19. Please call 617-427-1000 for any questions or concerns.

Whittier will provide COVID-19 testing from 10 am to 4 pm on Monday to Friday. Following CDC guidance, we recommend testing if you have a fever AND one of the following three symptoms: cough OR shortness of breath OR sore throat. Please bring your picture identification and your insurance card (if you have insurance).