Whittier Recognized by Tufts Health Plan
From left to right: Dr. Claire Levesque, CMO of Commercial Products (Tufts Health Plan); Mariella Spencer, Clinical Case Manager (Whittier Street Health Center); Yinette Fuertes, Cardiovascular Case Manager (Whittier Street Health Center); Adeola Ogungbadero, Vice President of Clinical Support Services (Whittier Street Health Center); Dr. Jonathan Harding, CMO of Senior Products (Tufts Health Plan)
Whittier Street Health Center received a Tufts Health Plan Quality Innovation Award in recognition of its Connections for Cardiovascular Health Ambassador Program, an initiative that has brought greater heart disease awareness and access to care to African American and Latino residents of Boston. Tufts Health Plan created these awards last year to acknowledge local health organizations for their commitment to improving and advancing health care quality through innovation.