June is Men’s Health Awareness Month
Men’s Health Awareness Month
June not only serves as the official start to the summer, but it also has become known as Men’s Health Awareness Month. The purpose of dedicating an entire month to the topic of men’s health is because despite all that we now know about living a healthy lifestyle, men in particular still face many issues when it comes to maintaining proper wellness habits. While June is meant to promote awareness among men, everyone can play a role in improving the health of the men in their life.
In the United States the average life expectancy of man is 5 years shorter than a woman, additionally men are less likely to seek healthcare in the first place. The reasons most commonly cited for men not seeking treatment are fear of diagnosis, comfortability with exams and ‘macho attitudes’ which refers to the point of view that men should be strong and self-reliant. It has even been reported that up to 20% of men surveyed claim to have only made doctor’s appointments due to pressure from a loved one. While it may be easy to dismiss these reasons as silly behavior, they are real barriers that prevent men from addressing their health needs. Men’s Health Awareness Month is meant in part to address this stigma and help men over the road blocks that stand between them and good health.
The differences in health between men and women were further illuminated during the COVID-19 pandemic while women were statistically more likely to contract the coronavirus, men were at a greater risk to perish from the disease. June of this year is probably the most important of any previous to take inventory of where you stand with your personal health. To reassess what you eat, schedule an appointment with your doctor and to exercise when you can.
There are four themes to coincide with each week of June encouraging men to take an active role in improving their health.
- Week 1: Get Up and Go Get Screened
- Week 2: Get Up and Eat a Healthy Meal
- Week 3: Get Up and Go Exercise
- Week 4: Get Up and Go Outdoors
Everything that we do starts with health whether that is our physical, mental or social health. June should not only be a month to enjoy yourself, but to take the necessary steps that will improve both your short term and long term health.
For more information about the Men’s Health program at Whittier Street Health Center, please contact Robert Edwards, Community Relations Manager a 617-989-3028 or at
Your Health is your Wealth!